Nutritionist YouTube Video Alert!

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From the interviewee : The Nutritionist

I had the recent honour and privilege of discussing nutrition and health with Rosemary from Imiebi Rose, the Social Media Management/Marketing company, ON YOUTUBE!

Here we discuss various topics such as the significance of healthy protein and fats, blood sugar/insulin balancing, hydration and minerals etc.

I hope it helps and gets you thinking about the ways in which you can upgrade yours and your family’s diets!

Please feel free to like, comment and SHARE.

Thank you for watching!

From the interviewer : Rosemary, Imiebi Rose

I just love picking the brains of a wise woman!! New video on howΒ @ellerocknutriΒ the nutritionist upgraded my diet!…I’ve learnt so much and I am grateful for her input ? do check her out and contact her if you need help with a better diet. As children of God if we continue to fill ourselves with unhealthy food, it won’t energise us like food is supposed to ???

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For further information on howΒ Elle Rock Nutritional TherapyΒ can support you please head toΒ servicesΒ orΒ contactΒ us. Follow onΒ Facebook,Β InstagramΒ andΒ TwitterΒ for regular updates on upcoming events, meal ideas and other information.

Rochelle Logan-Rodgers BSc(Hons), PgDip – BANT & CNHC Registered Nutritionist

Β© Rochelle Logan-Rodgers and ELLE ROCK NUTRITION, 2018. UnauthorisedΒ use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Rochelle Logan-Rodgers and ELLE ROCK NUTRITION with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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