<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/j8xMmIsV4X0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here’s the final YouTube video in the ‘A NUTRITIONIST UPGRADES MY DIET’ series from myself and Rosemary from Imiebi Rose! ? It’s been FUN! In this 3rd video, we touch upon about the true definition of the term ‘ORGANIC‘, the 80/20 RULE guide (SEE BELOW), whether we are ALLOWED TREATS ? and the affects of adding healthy high protein foods into our breakfasts.

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Thank you for watching!

80/20 RULE


The basic idea of the *80/20 rule* is simple. For HEALTHY, BALANCED and SUSTAINABLE eating, some may benefit from incorporating 80% healthy food choices and leaving the remaining 20% for you to indulge yourself a little. A ‘little’ being the operative word! MODERATION is key.


How this could look practically: Assuming you have 21 meals per week (3 meals per day), 17 meals should be healthy, unrefined, natural foods, consisting of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, other lean proteins, healthy fats and whole unprocessed grains, as well as adequate water (approx 2 L per day).

The remaining 4 meals may CONTAIN/ATTACH ‘treats’, e.g. at a restaurant you may have a desert with your dinner or enjoy one beer with friends at a weekend lunch etc.

Plan your treat meals. These should be PORTION CONTROLLED as it isn’t an excuse to binge! Incorporate EXERCISE during your week too! This is a lifestyle not a diet.⛹?‍♂️

Long term success and greater happiness to you all! ? ? ? ? ? ? ?



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Rochelle Logan-Rodgers BSc(Hons), PgDip – BANT & CNHC Registered Nutritionist

© Rochelle Logan-Rodgers and ELLE ROCK NUTRITION, 2018.

Disclaimer: The articles, posts and other content on this website or any other social media platform does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis or treatment. Suggestions provided will be for general information and educational purposes only. It should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice or the professional care of your own doctor or any other qualified healthcare professional. Consult a qualified health professional regarding health conditions or concerns, and before starting a new diet or health program.