Oh SUGAR! We all have a part to play.
Sugar Awareness Week was originally due this week, 18th-24th January 2021, but has been delayed to May 2021. I personally think that EVERY MONTH is a good month to spread awareness about sugar and share tips to cut down on sugars. 😉
Our NHS says most adults and children in the UK eat too much “free sugars”. I believe we all have a responsibility to reduce our intake for the sake of our nation’s health! Let me explain why…
The High Cost of High Sugar Consumption
🥄 HIGH sugar intake is associated with an increased risk of OBESITY, amongst other health conditions.
🥄 Obesity can contribute to an increased RISK of INFECTIONS.
🥄 Sugar also HINDERS the ability of WHITE BLOOD CELLS to destroy PATHOGENS and INFECTIONS.
For a better chance of overcoming this pandemic we all need to have strong immune systems that can fight off infections.
So let US all make a conscious effort to keep our FREE SUGAR INTAKE LOW.
Tips to Cut Down on Sugars
Free Sugars include sugars that are ADDED to food or drinks + sugars that are naturally present in certain foods (see below).
🚨 REDUCE THESE FOODS NOW: ❌ biscuits, ❌ white/milk chocolate ❌ flavoured yoghurts ❌ breakfast cereals ❌ fizzy drinks.
⚠️ BE CONSIDERATE IN NOT HAVING TOO MUCH: ⬇️ honey, ⬇️ syrups (such as maple, agave and golden), ⬇️ nectars ⬇️ fruit juices
✅ CONSIDER HEALTHIER OPTIONS: 💪🏾 diluting no-added-sugar juice with sparkling mineral water 💪🏾 #NationalPopcornDay2021 (19th Jan) make your own and add cinnamon💪🏾 low sugar fruits for snacks: strawberries, kiwis, oranges 💪🏾 Cut down on table sugar and opt for cinnamon or stevia instead.
I repeat: for a better chance of overcoming this pandemic we all need to have strong immune systems that can fight off infections.
So let US all make a conscious effort to keep our FREE SUGAR INTAKE LOW.
Strong immune systems for the win!
For more information, please see my nutritionist resource featured IMMUNE ARTICLE and/or book a free discovery call :
Elle Rock Nutrition: Be in health, live in freedom!(TM)
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ELLE ROCK NUTRITION ©Rochelle Logan-Rodgers BSc(Hons), PgDip – BANT & CNHC Registered Nutritional Therapist